We offer insight into your professional skills

With our register you can show clients which qualifications and certificates you have. We are there for you, as a specialist company and as a specialist professional.

With this Centraal Register Techniek (Central Register for the Technology Sector) we offer an overview. Our goal is to provide a clear overview of all information about the qualifications and certificates of specialist companies and specialist professionals. With this overview we also help specialists continue with lifelong learning and thus continue with their own professional development.

The central register is for specialist companies and specialist professionals, clients, trainers, trade associations and quality monitors in the field of installation technology.

How was the Centraal Register Techniek established?

The Stichting Centraal Register Techniek was founded in 2019 from a collaboration between the contractors' organisation Techniek Nederland, the trade unions CNV vakmensen and FNV Metaal, the sector organisation NVKL (air conditioning and refrigeration technology) and the training fund for the technical installation sector Wij Techniek (before OTIB).

More information about our cooperation partners >

Central Register Services

We help make reliable information available about craftsmanship in installation technology. We do that in part ourselves with our database and our products. But we also help other organizations in the industry to develop products for specialist companies and specialist professionals.

Legal certification for heating companies and central heating installations

On 1 October 2020, the legal system for work on gas combustion installations will come into force. From April 1, 2022, it will be mandatory for mechanics to have a Certificate of Professionalism in Carbon Monoxide and be able to demonstrate this.

There will also be an online register of certified companies that will receive a special mark. In addition, the government is going to alert consumers through a campaign to the need to hire a certified central heating installer.

Through the website www.vakmanschapco.nl, specialist professionals can register for an exam and prepare for it with the information on this site. The Centraal Register Techniek is part of the VakmanschapCO partnership and takes care of the digital recording of the Proof of Professionalism when the exam is passed. The Technical Professional Passport app will make it possible to identify technicians with professional skills. The first version of the Professional Passport provides information to customers, employers and certified bodies in the app for the mechanics on the smartphone, with which they can show that they are competent for the statutory certification.

The first version of the app is now available in the stores (see Products). The functionality will be further developed in the near future in consultation with users of the app and other stakeholders. In the short term, the app can already be used to legitimize the certification scheme. In the longer term, other certificates or qualifications in installation technology will be added to the Professional Passport.


The reason for introducing a statutory certification for central heating installers is a 2015 report by the Dutch Safety Board (Onderzoeksraad) on the dangers of carbon monoxide from central heating boilers. This showed that the carbon monoxide problem is greater than previously known. It was assumed that at least five to ten fatalities occur annually due to exposure to elevated concentrations of carbon monoxide, and several hundred are injured. The Council estimates that the scale of the problem with carbon monoxide is three to five times greater. According to the Council, the main cause is that the current system of quality labels has major gaps and offers too few guarantees.

On the site www.vakmanschapco.nl you can register for the exam and find information to prepare for the exam.

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